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Mid - year exams

i'm so not gonna use HELLO WORLD again cos' i guess its SOMEBODY'S quote .
muahahah .

so yeah ;
i'm not gonna use it anymore ;D .

so anws ,
just now was like eng mid-yr exams .
was supposed to end at 12.40 pm BUT got geog class which dragged to 2.30 pm [ which started at 1.30 pm ]
gahh .

the eng paper was okehh uhhs .
i'm just nervous bout' sci , maths & geog .
gahhhhhh .

ohh ;
i so totally cnt take it anymore !
i want THE CLICK FIVE concert tickets
& that's FINAL .
there , i said it .
hahah .

btw ,
i have a new crush .
hahah .
their song 'Obviously' is just so . . . WOW [ credits to Amelia ]

gahh ,
dunno what to write anymore larhs oi .

guess i end here ;D
bye - bye readers .

; click-five lover larhs oi .
HELLO WORLD ; [credits to amirah ] gahh .

i'm so freaking tired lahh oi .
yesterdae , got sci AND geog test .
which i doubt i will pass .
& to make it worse ;
i went home around 7pm .
cos' got french class .
which somehow turned out to be AWFULLY boring .

anws ,
i seriously HATE sabrina larhs oi .
she , yeah she , NOT me , got BACKSTAGE PASSES to THE CLICK FIVE
that is so freaking unfair-ish .

i so gotta get those click-five concert tickets !
imagine you in th SAME room as Kyle Patrick !
Gahh .
thinking of all that alr make me feel lovey-dovey .
hahah .

anws ,
talking bout' The Click Five reminds me of Eric Dill .
THE Eric Dill .
he's kinda hawt , come to think of it .
in case you guys don't know who's Eric Dill , errm , he used to be the lead singer of The Click Five .
Then , Kyle Patrick took his place .
don't know why Eric left sehh lahh .
but its okehh though .
Kyle rocks my socks tuhh !
hahah .

i so cnnt wait fer The CLick Five to come to Singapore .
I bet their concert is SO gonna be a BLAST !
if only i could be part of it sehh larh .
maybe i could ;D .
let's wait && see horrs ;D .

Crap , got loads of things to revise fer mid-yr exams .
& hwk tuhh .

Guess , i better go now .
P.S ;

isn't tt lyk th obvious ?
hahah .

Buh-baiz ppl ;D
; th click-five lover
In Geog Class ;D
hie , hello , ewohhs dear WORLD ;D
lawls .
long time , no write .
wakakaka .

guess what ;
i'm in geog class now ;D .
ms lim didn't come 2dae
hahah .

she gve us sumtin' to do .
& i chose not do it ;D
naughty xD .

ohh ;
tmr have geog test .
gotta study lyk shyt uhhs fer th upcoming tests and mid-yr exams .

my reward fer doin th tests well are ;


lyk ZOMG !
THE CLICK FIVE are coming to Singapore to do their FIRST ever concert !
&& lyk i DON'T WANT TO MISS IT !
gahh ;D .

ohhs ;
if you readers realised , i changed my blog song ! AGAIN .
this time ,
th song rawks LYK HELL uhhs .
it'sung by Paul Twohill & it's called Here I Am .
its lyk SUPER , SUPER nyce okehh .
Don't believe , listen to it then .
if you guys cnnt listen to th song , then , TOO BAD horrs ;D .
lawls .

Great , now we're discussing bout' th class tee .
& guess what ; our class tee have a picture of a Dino .
Whees ?

Anws ;
i'm sitting here , ALL ALONE , blogging .
well , not really alone .
Joan is behind mie .
Friendster-ing ;D .
wakakaka .

gahh ,
i guess i better go now .
people are shouting their hearts out .
retarding i guess .
lawls .

school is NEARLY ending btw .
so lyk i said , i better go now ;D

P.S ; Paul Twohill & The Click Five & David Archuleta ROCKS lyk hell okkeh . Don't agree ? Get out of my face now .
hahah .
jkjk ;D

`Lina ;D
TGIF ppl ;D .
ohh ,
i mish blogging !
sowie horrs .
was busy changing the skin .

guess wad .
it didn't turn out tt well .
lawls .
so i sticked to the old one ;D .

oohoohooh ;
2dae we had road run to raise money fer the ISH .
it wasn't tt bad .
cos' cos' ;
ASHLYNN ran with mie ;D
okeh , tt was random .
hahah .

so anws ,
we had eng test 2dae tuhh .
its okeh uhhs ;D
think i could pass it.

ohh ;
i passed my LIT test ! (round of applause for me pls ! )
so happy ;D .

so afta skool , we had to do CIP at Peace Haven old folks' home .
its somewhere in Changi .
so far liao .
but nvm , its fer the sake of being NICE .
lawls .

in the bus ,
everybody was lyk so HIGH .
passing potato chips tt were bought by ALYSSA & JOAN up & down the bus .
i lurve you guys (alyssa & joan i mean ) ;D .
ohh ;
Alyssa & Joan were laughing their heads off or something or were they crapping ? lawls .
no offence , kaeh guys ? ;D

&& before we knew it ,
we reached 'the place' .
we had to do something there that would make the people there happy .
&& guess what ;
my group , which consists of MOI , MIRA , ALY , JOAN , ANDREA , FINA , KENG LENG , JIE LING , AMANDA & YUE JIAO were lyk ushered - is it the correct spelling ? - into this room full of MALE old folks - no offence ;D .

so lyk wad i was saying ,
we were lyk 'ZOMG' !
male old people ? !
lawls .
we were lyk so freaking out okeh !

it wasn't THAT BAD !
they seemed . . . nice & fun ppl to talk to .
hahahah .
we did a few performances too .
ALYSSA & MIRA , you guys just rawk !
doing the hip-hop moves .
too bad you guys cnt do the shuffle .
tt move is so totally MY JAM ;D .
we did a few songs tuhh .
then , before we knew it , we had to go back to school .
but , we were lyk JUST getting used to it mann .

so anws ,
on the way back ,
alyssa was lyk emoing . seriously emoing .
cheer up okehh , gurl ?

&& the BEST part of today is tt i got to SKIP FRENCH LESSON !
`whees ;D
seriously ,
french lesson is getting MORE and MORE BORING each week .

so i guess i better go now .
gotta get ready fer SUPERNATURAL (again) .
hahah .

buh-bye ppl .
`Lina ;D