hello. i'm who i am . neither heshe nor shemale . neither beautiful boy nor handsome girl . i'm limited edition. this is my profile . my profile at here. if i want to have a long profile, you can write all of about me, like my secret. but, if i only want to have a short profile, you can only write your name.
Which seat can i take?
Tagboard at here. width and height is whatever.

i'm in CS lesson yo .
i know i'm supposed to do PBL but i'm BORED !
tssskkk lahhh .

anwanwanw ,
its like th BEST thing that happened at least before Portugal was out from Euro , yo .
wheeee .
so happyyyy :DDDDD
fine , fine ;
random .
FERNANDO TORRES scored th ONLY goal tao tao !
so COOL :D
but still ;
PORTUGAL is th best team :D
* smiles innocently *
ahhhaa .

so today had Science ;
didn't do anything much .

& we had Lit ;
Ms Vicky was like uber fun lahhhhh today .
wth okehh .

ohohoh ;
& Salwa made up this super cool phrase ;
OMJ - Oh My Jonas .
its super cool okehh .
can use that instead of OMG :D

&& later got angklung .
i want more bonding sessions !

haven't done my french hwk yetttt .
pffttttt .
so hard lahhh sehhhh .
nvm , shall do it today after angklung :DD

imy ;
Au Revior :D
omgomgomg ,
today's french class was like th AWESOMEST :D
thanks to Amanda & Aloysius ( sry dude , idk how to spell your name ) :DD
ahhhhhaaaaaa :D

anws ,
Mr Goh STILL didn't come today :D
heh xD
so no more maths hwk (:
had th first Lit lesson today .
SO EFFING FUN lahhhhhhh .
we played games yo .
& we made up a poem about our friends .
my poem was th BEST lahhhhh .

it goes like this ;
her name is Amalina ,

i added a little bit also :D
so now it goes like this ;

her name is Amalina ,
she loves David Archuleta ,
& she hates to see Portugal
being kicked out of Fifa :DDDD

get it ?
nvm if you don't :D

it SOOOOOOOOOO rhymes okehhhhhh .
tralalalalas :D
be jealous people , be very jealous .
ahhha .

gtg now .

i'm in class now .
heh xD
Mr Goh didn't come today :DD
so i took this time to blog :D
maybe i'm not supposed to blog but i don't have anything else to do lehhhhhhh .
because i finished my french & maths hwk alr :D
so hardworking right ?
ahhhha .

anw anw anw ;
NICK JONAS look so effing HOT .
ahha .
Joe Jonas toooooooooooosss .
Alyssa is sitting beside GOING ON about George Sampson .
so irritating .
there are CUTER people than George Sampson , Alyssa .
tskkkkkkkkkk .

ohohoh ;
i also got to now from Ashlynn that if i continue taking French till Sec 3 right , i can go to PARIS :D
i hope its true lahhhh .
i REALLY wanna go to PARIS !
but i really have to BUCK UP for French D:
so sadenning lahhhhhh .

i gtg now :D
don't wanna waste my battery yo .
heh xD

Au Revoir :D
HELLO people .

so sorry for not updating tao .
been busy since school is opening .
SORRY , again .
& i shall say sorry in advance if i don't update again sometime later , okehh ?

anw anw anw , let's talk about smth else .
sighhhh .
STILL , there's SPAIN !
&& i also hope that c.ronaldo wont transfer to real madrid !
stay in MAN UTD RONALDO , preeeeeeety pleaseeeee .
cause you ROCK like no other , yo .

so today's th first day that sch reopens .
it was okehh lahh .
didn't have any lessons except for CS .
heh xD
also going to have a change of teachers ;
but idk who th teachers will be .
jeng jeng jeng jeng .
ahahah .
random much .

gtg now ;
my battery gonna be DEAD SOON .
ahha .

- i miss you ;
xoxo } & never let go .
; amalina ` (:

like omg ;
yesterday's episode of Supernatural was like so effing nice sehh :D
Sam got killed D:
i cried at that part okehh .
don't laugh .
anws , here's a picture of Jared Padalecki :D
he is so effing HOT larhs pleaseeeee .

heh :D
HOT right ?
HOTTER than Jensen Ackles :D
no offence , Kahirunnisa .

anws ,
i got to skip madrasah ( religious class ) today , yo !
woots ~
& i finished all my hwk !
well , except for one book review :D
hahah .

psssssst ;
its so effing sadenning that my parents won't allow me to watch Prince Caspian again sehh .
sorry Haris & Mira .
maybe during th Dec hols , yeah ?
which is like a long way to go D:
but , i can wait :D
i'm a very patient person , ya know :D
heh , teraser ..

hope you guys like th pic ,
its on my friendster tooh :D
omg ;
i just OVERUSED smilies .
hahah ,
heck care larhs .
&& does anybody care to send me th song Us Against The World by Westlife on msn ?
preeeeeety pleaseeeee ?
i want need it :D

xoxo } & never let go , yo .
; amalina ` (:
class outing , yo :D

long time no update .
heh :D
been busy completing hwk , yo .
11 more newspaper articles to go DD:
so saddening larhs .

anws , anws ,
yesterday was th class outing , yo .
SUPER funfunfun .
me , mira & andrea climbed th pyramid :DD
only mira recahed th top , yo .
hahah .
Ms Lim came toos ;
to celebrate her b'dae :D
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MS LIM & my mum & Alyssa & Yue Jiao :D
heh .

ohh ;
last sunday right , i saw ZAN SUFIAN :D
okehh ,
maybe he's not popular but still !
heheheh :D
& like omg larhs ;
SPAIN seriously ROCK larhs sehh .
4-1 ;
that's AMAZING .
maybe i'm bretaying Portugal but seriously , SPAIN ROCKS .
Fernando Torres & Cesc Febregas STONE larhs .
heh :D
& Chris Hussey is just plain HOT .
hahah .

xoxo } & never let go , yo .
; amalina ` :D
okehh ;
here's the survey that Salwa & Andrea asked me to do .
well , here goes , yo .

A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. B. Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. What do you think an ideal best friend should be like ?
nice , caring , thoughtful
2. If you have a dream come true , what would it be ?
meet Skandar Keynes ? :D
3. What do you want most right now ?
watch Prince Caspian AGAIN . preeetyyy pleaseee ?
4. What would you do with a billion dollars ?
What three fave songs are on your playlist right now ?
- Viva la Vida ( Coldplay )
- The time of my Life ( David Cook )

- The Call ( Regina Spektor )

5. Isn't Lupe Fiasco just awesome ?
i think he's okehh :D
6. Which is more blessed , loving someone or being loved by some one ?
definitely being loved by someone :D
7. Can you whistle ?
8. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?
err , no ?
9. Do you like chocolate ?
10. If th person you liked secretly is already attached , what would you do ?
nth :D heheh .
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years' time ?
in university . i REALLY hope .
12. Who are the currently most important people to you ?
my family . my friends . Skandar Keynes .
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is ?
[HARIS] nice , outgoing , friendly , nice :D
14. Do you still like chocolate ?
Who are th three HOT guys in your mind RIGHT NOW ?
- Skandar Keynes :D
- Chris Hussey
- Cesc Febregas
15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up ?
ermm , open my eyes ?
16. What does you favourite kind of shampoo smells like ?
actually , idk . heh :D
17. What's on tomorrow ?
th tv series , SUPERNATURAL :D
is that considered ?
heh :D
18. What type of people do you like ?
nice , caring , friendly , nice , outgoing :D

The 8 ;


tsk .
i so need to change my blogskin , yo .
so old alr sehh larhs .
ahah .
tapi malas sehh nak find baru nyer blogskin

anws ,
been checking out a couple of songs :D
like ;
Dare you to move - Switchfoot
The Call - Regina Spektor
SUPER , SUPER nice mannzxzxzxzx !

ohh ;
watched a movie yesterday ;
The Chronicles of Narnia ;
Prince Caspian .
it was like DAMN nice , cann .
Skandar Keynes was like so BLOODY HOT .
many people won't agree with me sehh larhs .
tsk .
no taste .
ahah .
anws ,
i wanna watch th movie AGAIN ! ! !
preety pls ?
pfft .
it simply ROCKS .
shall show you th actors pics sometime later yaww .
& i can guarantee ya that they ARE all HOT .
&& did you see Johnny's Depp new haircut ?
LIKE OMG , okehh .
ahahah .

- dare you to move ;
- th time of my life ;

xoxo } & never let go .
; amalina ` (:
HELLO , HELLO people .

i think i shall take back what i said bout David Archuleta supposed to win American Idol .
cos cos ;
i'm starting to like David Cook , yo .
woots ~
his single The Time of my Life simply ROCKS MY SOCKS , yo .
its on blog !
i still LOVE you David A. (:
i LOVE both DAVIDs !
heh .

should be doing PBL now .
ahah .
so , i gtg .
that was a short post wasn't it ? ;DD
amazing !

; amalina ` (:
xoxo } & never let go , yo ;D