hello. i'm who i am . neither heshe nor shemale . neither beautiful boy nor handsome girl . i'm limited edition. this is my profile . my profile at here. if i want to have a long profile, you can write all of about me, like my secret. but, if i only want to have a short profile, you can only write your name.
Which seat can i take?
Tagboard at here. width and height is whatever.
& yet again .
my throat's feeling damn sore lahhh .
sakit sehh biler telan air .

so anw ,
just now was National Day Concert Rehearsal .
so damn coool lahhh .
though my hands are hurting right now from shaking that angklung(s) .

shake , shake , shake , shake-r , shake it

omgg , so random.

so anw ,
the people were like playing NDP songs .
p/s ; Hady look so hot in white :D
they didn't play th song Taufik sang DD:
so sad .
that NDP song is like th BEST NDP song okehh .
got dance moves some more :D
so coool sehh .

i know this post is short but i have to go study for LIT :D
test cmng up tao ;D
gotta ace it !

♥ amalina
because i love you .
- YMC (260708 )

it was th bomb baybeh ;
yes , yes it was :DD
went to th old parliment house for it .
my father sent me there :D

then , met ADILAH !
& mira & th C2 & G3 people .
met atiqah toos :D
& huda & adlina & alyssa & izzah & . .
you get th point .

it was so bloody cool lahh .
the people who sat in the first row were all crescentians .
so awezome :D
& i wonder whose seat i sat on :D

i want th pictures !
send them to me :DDD

YMC & minah & mat clap is LOVEEEEE :D

& i also thought i saw my sedarer .
oh , well .

-Learning Fest ( 260708 )

then , took th train with th C2 people to sch .
learning fest , baybeh .
people came , people went .
it was basically like that .
i bought milk tea from th badminton stall ;
quite nice actually , yo .

- at grandmother's house ( 270708 )

went to my gradma's house yesterday .
my cousin , uncles , aunts & I like went through th pictures taken last time .
it was like so memorable sehh .
there were embarrassing pictures of me and my first cousin too .
REALLY memalukan .
tssssskkkkk .

for atuk ;

i miss you .
i miss your smile .
& i still shed a tear , every once in a while .
& even though its different now , you're still here somehow .
my heart won't let you go .
and i need you to know ,
i miss you , sha la la la la
i miss you .
because i know who you are .

yeap , i think i'm going insane .
i took a random picture of a piano with my reflection on it at music class .
i can't help it lahh .
i was bored .
tsskk .

& Izzati ;
Singapore Girls' Katong High ?
like wth lahhh .
i was laughing like hell lahh , almost crying sehh .
best malay class ever .

damn - tmr have home ec.
wth lahh .
no practical tmr DD:
so saddening .

One Step At A Time - Jordin Sparks
We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

i'm going to find out who you are . but i think i did .

nth to talk about .
seriously .
in class now .
blogging .
had history test just now .
it was okehh uhhs .
not that bad .

i think i'm going crazy .
ahh , heck care .
so random :D

i think i shall reply tags now , yo :D

emmy ; NO , its HEALTHY ! absolutely HEALTHY to like them !
ruoning ; ahhha . really ? thanks :D
salwa ; HELL YEAH it is !
anonymous ; like wth . so despo ahh ?

Au Revoir :D
because of you .

sorry , but i have to mug for history now .
shall blog some more tmr :D

khairunnisa ; HAHAH . at least she's nice :D
EMMY ; HAHAH . told ya they rock like no other :D
ruoning ; heh . thank you :D & come to think of it , French DOES sound posh . hehe :D
x3M&M ; LOL .

Au Revoir :D
following footsteps .
i feel so sad .

my aunt just went back to Melbourne to pursue her studies .
went to th airport yesterday to send her .
i hugged her gdbye & nearly cried D:
she told me to follow her footsteps & guess what , i will :D
i really , really will .
it was so sad y'know to be at th airport .
see many , many people crying .
so very th SAD sehh .

& i so wanna go to Melbourne this Dec hols .
i want , i want , i want to go there so badly !
idk why but i have this sudden feeling to go to Australia .
it has been a long time since i went there .
i sooooo missed th cold weather there mannzxzxzzxz D:
& somehow , this give me th inspiration to go to a uni in Australia .
seriously though .
better work hard .
i have to have a passion for learning :D
ohmyjonas , that's one of th core values in my primary school .

& i think my current obsession for Boys Like Girls is worsening - in a good way though .
i just s LOVE their song Dance Hall Drug & Thunder .
& now i managed to get Salwa to like th song Minutes to Midnight .
yay me :D
i know i rock lahh pleaseeeeee .
hahah ; EGONESS .
&& GER'dine said that i'm nice :DDD
because i am :D
again , egoness .

sheesh , gotta go study for history/maths/science .
cnt flunk them .

Do you , do you wanna learn to fly ?
Friends Forever .
BoysLikeGirls ; my obsession .

so anw ,
i have smth important to wish somebody/people :D
so here it is ;


sorry for th late birthday wish D:
was too busy to post yesterday .
sorry guys :D

anw ,
i made spaghetti today , yo :D
so FUN :D
i think i'm gonna try make it at home tmr :D
whee ~

& today was like so damn spastic lahh .
alyssa almost fell in th bus today .
but instead of falling , she swung around th pole .
so damn funny lahhhh .
should have video-ed it and posted it on YouTube :D
it could be a hit y'know :D

& i never knew that i had such funny friends :D

ME: Alyssa , why you eat so damn slow ? its only a choco bar whatt .
Alyssa: HELLO . Its MY problem lahh if i want to eat so slow . Why would you bother.
jOAN: I know why you cnt eat so slow . You only have 30 min reccess rmb ?
Tssk .

i was like laughing like hell sehh until my face turned red - at least that was what Alyssa told me .
it was really , really spastic tau .

& thenn , jOAN kept hitting me on th back in th train .
VERY , VERY th painful sehh .

jOAN ; you are officially retarded & i'm gonna get back at you someday .

you guys seriously brighten up my day sehh .

five minutes to midnight ;

thunder ; th midnight sky .
Bonjour people .

omg , i'm starting to use french words .
heh , random .

i'm like so tired omggg .

had eng test today .
compo instead of formal letter .
did my best , i think .
mine's about friendship
& i used Andrea's name :D

Andrea , dear ;
you should feel so honoured y'know :D

got released frm sch at 12.15 .
but thenn went to LJS with Andrea , Mira , Aly , Salwa , jOAN & Sabrina .
we ate & crapped .
damn fun tao .
so , i only got home around 2.30 .

took th MRT with Andrea .
& like omg i was like so damn blur in th MRT lahhhhh .
Niveetha was like right in front of me & i DIDN'T SEE !
like omggg lahhh , so paisehhh .
i think i have to check my vision .

& now i'm learning French on my own .
how bad is that .
i don't understand a damn thing .
maybe i DO understand a little bit .
but still .

& ily Nisa !
thanks for th song thunder , yo :D

i think i have to get back to French .
i'm like lagging damn lots .
seriously though .

your voice was the soundtrack of my summer ;

imy so .
somebody pleaseeee kill me now .
so bored lahhh .

at home ;
blogging .

mls nak gi online .
gahh , tmr got CS lesson .

& i soooo really hope that Ronaldo won't move to Real Madrid .
it shall be saddening if he does .

ohoh ;
i'm starting to LOVE Justin Timberlake :D
he's so HOT , baybeh .
especially when he sang th song Bye Bye Bye with n'sync :D
i'm in love with that song , yo !

& i just realised i haven't wash my sch shoes .
tsssk .
now its damn dirty .
ahhh , heck care .

i cnt wait ;
a thing called love .
HELLO my glorious people .
got LOADS to post :DDD

let's start with Friday .
had french ;
so FUN :D
ty to Amanda and Aloysius (again) .
& also a picture of JEAN-BAPTISTE MAUNIER on Monsieur's ppt slides .
like wth lahh , Namirah was like so freking out .
i mean its only a picture !
tssskk .

Moving on to Saturday ;

boring at first especially when at madrasah .

asl tak dtg ? !

i was such a loner lahh pleaseeee .

but the good news was that i passed my exams :D
38 , 37 , 33 :D

later had kenduri at my aunt's new house :D
so fun okehh .
& i just LOVE my cousin's new Motorola handphone .
but i guess , mine's better :D
so anwanwanw ,
my family received a wedding invitation to this certain wedding !
like omgomgomg lahhhhh .
th one who's getting married is this footballer who's playing for Singapore :D
i wanna GO !
yeap , yeap i WANNA GO :DDDDD
cnt wait !

i shall end here for today :D
Au Revoir !
korang POWER lahhh !

like omgomgomg ;
RANCOUR won Anugerah Band , yo :D
i am SO gonna buy your album sehh :D

anwanwanw ,
PBL presentation went okehh .
my teeth were shattering like hell .
so damn cold .
grrrrr .
it went pretty well though :D

& Gee.Oners ;
your presentations were awesome, baybeh

& guess whatt ;
i'm still in class now but whatever :D
heh xD

andandand i feel so SORRY for RONALDO D:
he had to undergo ankle sugery DDD:
& he will miss the first part of th EPL season DDD:

anw ,
i have to end here .
sch nearly ending :D

Au revoir :D

i still need th three marks ;
crap .
tmr's PBL assessment day .
damn nervous .
gahhhhh .

anwanwanw ,
CONGRATS to alyssa & su & andrea & jOAN & a bunch of other people who got into house comm & council :D
so proud of you guys :D

rehearsed for PBL like hell lahh today .
lucky Mr Chew gave us th time to rehearse yo .
tsskkk .
hope my group will do well :D

& ALL TH BEST for those who have PBL assessment tmr . JDI :D

i still need those three effing marks ;

Damn it manzxzxz .
i got A2 for maths test sehh .
could have gotten 3 marks more .
stupid writng in pencil thing .

anwanwanw ,
didn't do much today .
rehearsed for PBL .
quite fun y'know :D

& had French .
where did you go ? !
& tsk Adilah ,
STALKER much ?
heh xD

i missed you ;
found out th lyrics to th song this is me by Demi Levato ( is it the correct spelling ? ) & Joe Jonas.
i was bored okehhh .
its like very , very th nice canns :DD

I've always been the kind of girl

That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Bright inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
BOREDOM is what they call it .
like omg lahh .
so boring sehhhh .
finally finished my formal letter :D
& my maths tuition homework , yo .
joy to th world .

now , i have nth to do .
tssk .
i wnat to read but i have no more books left to read tao .
so sadenning .
i want more Jodi Picoult books :D
her books are so nice mannzxxzxzxz .
i just finished reading Nineteen Minutes .
so sad D:
ahhhhahahah :D
i think i shall post a picture of Skandar right now :D
so , here it is :D

HOTNESS is what i call it :D

gahh , idk what to talk about DD:
sheesh .

Au Revior :D

random much
yesterday was like uber fun mannzxzxzxz .
it was none other than youth day :D
we got to wear our own clothes yo .
but most people wore their class tees .
C2's class tees were like awesome okehhhhhhh :DD
where's our class tees ? ?
i mean seriously yo .
anwanwanw ,
i want SKINNIES !
black ones !
i want need them NOW !
sheesh .
so it was youth day .
it was SUPER FUN in th morning .
had mini concert by teachers .
so FUNNY lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .
heh xD

but then we STILL had Home Econs .
we made SANDWICHES & TEA !
but it was fun though :DDD

butbutbut ;
we had maths test .
tskkkk .
so sadenning lahh .
it was okehhh .
hope can score A1 yo :D

ohohohohohohohoh ;
i'm so DAMN HAPPY lahh .
we changed our seating positions tao !
i'm seating at th BACK :DDDDD
~ whees
& JIA YI is my seating partner :DDDDDD
woots :D

& now i shall reply tags ;

your super senior EMMY : LOL . && i so will let you kidnap me :DD & yeah , GO SKANDAR !
Adilah : yeap , i shall link you okehh . don't worry :D
Hazah : its a LONG story babe :D
GERALDINE : HAHAH . ohh , i played 3 angklungs :D joy to th world !
Haris : will do :D