hello. i'm who i am . neither heshe nor shemale . neither beautiful boy nor handsome girl . i'm limited edition. this is my profile . my profile at here. if i want to have a long profile, you can write all of about me, like my secret. but, if i only want to have a short profile, you can only write your name.
Which seat can i take?
Tagboard at here. width and height is whatever.
just stand up.

Plugged in: Just Stand Up by Various Artists

oh, hello.
i'm at home now :D decided to go home at 10.45 since there was no Lit and that during maths, he's just going through the bloody maths paper. so, yeah.
and i'm not  posting any picture today because i couldn't find any picture to show. 
maybe, just maybe, i will post a picture later, if i have the time.

Science period was awesome. Talked and talked about the movies we were going to watch after exams at Salwa's house when we were like supposed to mug for Hist.
and our Science teacher prepared like enrichment lessons for us, even though the science paper is over yesterday! c'mon laaaaa, give us a break from those scientific equations and stuff. 

In the meantime, listen to this song - it's damn nice and damn menaingful.
BUT miley's voice sucked, i swear. (to her fans, i'm sorry) i mean, does she have to spoil everything?
but i just LOVE Rihanna's :D damn damn nice, i LIKE :D

haha, enjoy :D oh, people, do the game below okayy. 8 more songs only :D
Jiayous - okay, why am i saying that? haha, oh, well.

till then -
iPod oh one :D
Step 1: Put your iPod on random.
Step 2: Post a line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song is.
Step 3: Let everyone guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Bold the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!

1. Through my eyes, I have seen the world start spinning like a ball - A Thousand Days by Clay Aiken (Joan-with help from brother :D)
2. You'll find it in the deepest friendship, the kind you cherish all your life - Flying Without wings by Westlife (Andrea)
3. She could be a super-model, every magazine to cover - She's No You by Jesse McCartney (Salwa)
4. But I have this dream, bright inside of me - This is Me by Demi Levato (Salwa)
5. Have you ever felt your heart was breaking, lookin' down the road you should be taking - Have you Ever by S Club 7 (Joan)
6. Bad news, get the word out - When I'm Gone by The Click Five (Joan & Alyssa)
7. Our love is strong, why carry on without me - Everytime by Britney Spears (Namirah)
8. What if you're making me all that I was meant to be? - What About Now by Daughtry (Joan)
9. You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want - Your Love is a Lie by Simple Plan (Atiqah)
10. It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose - Bubbly by Colbie Callait (Alyssa & Andrea)
11. I bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about - Teardrops on my Guitar by Taylor Swift (Atiqah)
12. 'Cuz if you run your mouth and brag about this secret rendezvous, I will hunt you down - Touch My Body by Mariah Carey (Alyssa and Andrea)
13. It's gonna take some time, to realize - I Found a Way by Drake Bell (Joan)
14. Let down your guard, show me your colours - Not Your Enemy by Jesse McCartney (Joan)
15. Those flashing lights come from everywhere - Lovestoned by Justin Timberlake (Alyssa)
16. Hear the guests upstairs complaining 'bout the room that's got their TV too loud - Room on the 3rd floor by McFly (Andrea)
17. I'm gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earth - If That's OK with you by Shayne Ward (Andrea and Alyssa)
18. I never felt nothing in the world like this before - Wait For You by Elliot Yamin (Andrea)
19. You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing - Gotta Find You by Joe Jonas (Salwa)
20. Felt like, I was just a victim, and it cut me like a knife  - Cry by Rihanna (Atiqah)
21. Were you right, was I wrong, Were you weak, was I strong - Chemicals React by Aly & AJ (Alyssa)
22. She's such a flirt, I am the lonely heart - Shelf by Jonas Brothers (Joan)
23. Cause this is real, and this is good - Built To Last by Melee (Salwa)
24. Love at first sight, never thought it could happen to me - Kidnap my Heart by The Click Five (Atiqah)
25. The innocent can never last - Wake me up when September ends - Green Day (Atiqah)

Happy finding people :D Just let me know the tittle and the artist on my tagboard okay!
okay, i think i'm bored.
Boys Like Girls <3

Plugged in: Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift & True by Ryan Cabrera 

Hello, again. Blogging seems to make my day right now. I don't know what to do if i don't blog. I think i will die. Yeah, i think i might. 
from now onwards, i shall post a different, random picture for every post okay!
like for example, today's post will be a picture of Boys Like Girls, baybeh :D haha. 
because i feel like posting a picture of Boys Like Girls, simply because they rock my socks, yo.
basically the picture i post will be dependant on my mood :D
your voice was the soundtrack of my summer -

i feel so helpless. my parents are fixing the curtains at the balcony and what am i doing?
i helped a bit just now okay. oh, wait, what did i do ah? oh, well. 
oh, and guess what, i already bought my hari raya shoes... A LONG TIME AGO. i forgot i bought it already! guess my mind was too crammed with scientific calculations and stuff :D
it's black in colour and it's from Charles and Keith. or is it from DMK. okay, nevermind about that.

Salwa is practically encouraging me to not go on hiatus and start blogging again. 
what kind of friend is she? haha. a great one actually :D because i really miss blogging.
oh, Blogger, what would i do without you. wait, i can answer that - DIE. haha.
maybe i shall update again later. just maybe. 
and should i bring my TPC to sch tmr? since i'll be going home at 10.45am and stuff. 
so there's only time for Science and P.E. unless Mr Goh wants to take over the Science period. 
but i don't think Mr Goh will need the TPC since we're still going through the Maths EOY 2007 paper and i printed it out. so, yeah. i don't think i'm bringing it tmr. OKAY, DECISION MADE :D
after what seems like a very long time. 

till then - 
should i kill him?
can your handphone do this? :D

Plugged in: Terima Kasih Cinta by Afgan

i shall post today since there are no papers to sit for tomorrow.
then, i shall mug for the next paper, no kidding.  

Science is over and guess what, it sucked like hell. really, it did. 
and i thought i can score an A. hah, it's fat hope now. goodbye A1/2s. till next time. 
why must you set the paper very hard ah?

next up - history on Firday. dead, again. seriously.
damn you; SEQ. if only i could get rid of you. hah, as if.

Hari Raya is coming - two more days :D BEST laaa. 
tomorrow can skip Maths and Lit and go home at 10.45. should i be happy?
i still haven't bought new shoes. think of going with mom today. not comfirmed yet though.
today going to make kuih cornflakes :D
haha, i know it's very the last minute but yeah, there's always such thing as last minute preparation (spl?) :D
so, yeah. i can't wait, yo! tak blh sabar! what's i can't wait in french ah? haha. 
i haven't clean up my room yet. wait, what's there to clean up? :D

and and and omg laaaa, Cik Hamil Hamilton didn't win yesterday D: so sad. he got 3rd instead. i guess, that's good enough because Hamilton, you still rock :D
and that guy with that very cute name (KIMI :D) also. the name so adorable laaa . haha.
and how do you pronounce Piquet (spl?) ah? Alyssa and I have some problems pronouncing that name :D is he a french person or smth? :D

okay, i have to mug right now. got no choice. 
i have to score for history, one of the last papers which will give me the chance to score an A. 
so, yeah :D

till then - 
Plugged in : Ceritaku by Revalina

hello , oh , hello . 
i'm back to blogging , as you can see . I MISS BLOGGER SO MUCH :D
but i won't blog as often as i usually do . 
because EOYs . so yeah . but i shall be back as soon as possible . 

i changed my blogskin , if you are observant enough . 
i just love bikini boy's skins :D so cool !

and Amirah - 
i shall do your quiz as soon as possible okay . A.S.A.P , right after EOYs . 

2 papers down , 4 more to go .
i shall brace myself . 

and lime green :D

& Qistina - 
you make my day laa . 

till then - 
amalina . 
i want TODAY to happen again !
th tittle says it all - again .

maths was damn hilarious , i swear .
one of th best maths lesson ever .
two BODIES ?
like wth .
and then *ahem* was like, "Oh , now i know why you guys think it's sick . Don't think sick OK ! i think i better change it to vehicles . " (thinks)
i laughed till i nearly cried laa pleaseee ;
it was THAT funny .

and HAHAH ;
i could NEVER get over that , really , i won't :D

today , i felt damn thirsty .
probably because i ran mass run while i was fasting .
i lost a lot of water ok .
oh , well .
life goes on .
though i still don't want to run mass run during fasting month .

AMIRAH - you seriously MISSED OUT A LOT of things that happened today .
we had this briefing thing at 5.15 which lasts till around 6 .
although it was supposed to meant to last till around 5.30(?)
so , yeah .
we had to go to this air-conditioned room , damn cold laa .
but it was damn , damn small .
but it was a miracle that
all the students can fit into such a very small room .
*hint hint*
guessed what happened already ?
hahah .

yes , 
omg , omg , omg . 
he was so DAMN HOT HOT HOT babyeh . 
& when he spoke right , he has this french accent !
and his voice is like so damn deep but sexy :D
even ADILAH agreed that A.M guy looks so HOT !
hahah , told you ADILAH !
oh , after th briefing right , Adilah , me , Ashlynn , Namirah and Amanda 'stalked' him to his class :D
it was not actually stalking laaa pleaseee , i'm not that kind of girl ( HAHAH ) . 
so , yeah . 
while we were walking , we saw th back of th ang moh guy :D
on his t-shirt , there was th word Orion :D
and then Adilah decided to call him Orion guy - which sounds kinda wrong but , yeah . 
omg , i love today <3
it really rocks my socks :D
psst ; th malay guy look so chinese up close 

i just realised that this post is so long . 
oh , well . 

till then , 
Au Revoir :D
HOMEWORK - grr .
Ex. 12.1
Ex. 12.2
EOY paper 07
EOY paper 06

English :
Newspaper Articles
5 websites thing
Book Review

Malay :

Science :
Theory workbook pages 93 to 99

Hist. :
SEQ question

Home Ec. :
Port Folio
Make agar-agar

Art :
i forgot :/
finished last minute !

anywhos , you guys have to watch this trailer too :D
it's damn nice .
th main guy actor is HOT TOO :D
really .
so , watch .

i'm bored , yeah .

omg , i SO want to watch this movie .
it's damn nice , i swear :D
that main actor is SO HOT
or wait , is it a show ?
oh , well .
ok , i'm dead . really , i am .
th name of this post says it all .
i'm dead , i really am .
i screwed up my electone exam .
like wth .
i think i'm going to fail .
and miss tan is going to kill me for that .
oh , well , better get prepared for it .


i love C.J from Push Play :D - he's th SECOND from th right .
so cute laaaa sehh .
he has that baby face that i loike :D

ok , now , first thing's first ;


may your wishes come true , yo , insya allah ( hahah ) .
ily sweets :D

ok , better get back to my newspaper articles .
still got damn lots of homework to complete !

& yes , it's 4th day of Ramadhan , 26 more days to go , yo :D
nanti dah raye :D

till then ,
Au Revoir :D
inconsiderate .
i'm pissed .
don't ask me why .
i just am .