hello. i'm who i am . neither heshe nor shemale . neither beautiful boy nor handsome girl . i'm limited edition. this is my profile . my profile at here. if i want to have a long profile, you can write all of about me, like my secret. but, if i only want to have a short profile, you can only write your name.
Which seat can i take?
Tagboard at here. width and height is whatever.
and take one step,
i think Domyoji is adorable, omg.  oh, his real name is like Matsumoto Jun, i think. who cares anw, he's ADORABLE. okay, fine, he may be like stuck-up in the show, but whatever. i think he's adorable. omg, and Hanazawa Rui (Shun Oguri) too, omg. KAWAII, OKAY! HAHA.
okay, fine, i shall take back my words. Shun looks A LOT hotter in Hana Yori Dango, okay :D

i had Ramly burger for luch just now. awesome, baybeh. thanks to Amirah and Ashlynn, you guys are the best mannzxzxzxzx <3
haha, so had french class. crap, he didn't come, okay. sad. but i like the teacher. she's like damn nice, okay. HAHA. 

okay, short post today. dudes, you have to understand that i HAVE and that is a MUST for me to continue watching Hana Yori Dango, okay. 

Hello, yeah, hi. 
haha, i'm so lame. oh well, can't help it right. HAHA. 

so today was a mass movie outing with Ashlynn and Amirah and some other people from Ghim Moh MOELC (French Department). omg, it was damn hectic in the beginning okay. 

MASS FRENCH MOVIE OUTING (is one of a kind) - 
ashlynn, amirah and i decided to meet at the Jurong East platform at 2.30. but then the consent form said it's 1515. so, we didn't know whether the movie starts at 1515 or are we supposed to meet at 1515. Ashlynn decided to ask Amirah to call the Ghim Moh place there. and then bad news, omg, the bus was leaving at 1430. like wth, okay. luckily, it was only around 1300 like that. DAMN HENG EH. =,=
oh, so then, that ashlynn so clever y'know. she asked us to meet at the end of the train where the driver is. but then, she was like the other end, like wth. so amirah and i like had to walk through the WHOLE TRAIN to reach her and in the end, only met her at Buena Vista(?). oh, we even went out from one of the train's doors and went into the train again from another door, HAHA. Amirah asked me to do it, okay. WHAT CRAP OKAY. oh, and amirah kinda got motion sickness. HAHA. y'know at first i thought she said monsieur sickness, HAHA. i guess i'm a bit deaf today, HAHA. and speaking of volume, I LOVE ASHLYNN'S NEW HEADPHONES, OMG. i seriously hate you for getting them laa, ashlynn. abeh tak belikan org, that's mean, okay. HAHA, kidding. and omg, Ashlynn swollowed a chewing gum, HAHA. hilarious manzxzxzxzxz. couldn't stop laughing. HAHA. 
the movie was quite okay, i guess. omg, THAT SMALL BOY IS SO CUTE OKAY (from the movie, i mean). HAHA, i think his  movie name was Raphael but go ask amirah for his real name, because, really, i forgot his real name. HAHA. 

oh, i just realised that i used a lot of HAHAs in this post. oh, well, BACK TO HANA YORI DANGO, BAYBEH! 

geekgeekgeek, haha.
Aku maths geek!
haha, at least that was what my cousin said to me. i don't mind though. i think it's super cool to be called a maths geek, yo.
i finished my maths hwk, so what. that doesn't me i'm a maths geek, right. i was bored, and sometimes boredom could lead people to do unreasonable things like doing maths homework. HAHA. i mean, really :D

so, yeah. i finished watching Hana Kimi, including the special episode. it's damn funny, yo. haha. and now i'm watching Hana Yori Dango. Phoebe suggested it, obviously. and like omg, Shun Oguri looks so damn different in Hana Yori Dango, okay. i didn't even know it was him, like omg. but i still prefer his black hair, though. so kawaii. HAHA.

okay, back to Hana Yori Dango <3
Au Revoir, yo :DD
aishiteru <3
Hello, wello, yo (: 

omg, I LOVE SHIROTA YUU, okay. 

he's damn, damn, damn hot, can? 
fine, maybe i said that before but i can't help it okay. he's just like so damn hot.
amalina, you have to stop. right now. 
okay, i shall stop but whatever laaa, he's damn hot <3

and like omg, Man Utd drew to Everton yesterday okay. I'm going to kill that person who tackled Ronaldo. wait, i don't even know who the person is, omg. haha. but yeah, whatever. at least they didn't lose, thanks to Fletcher. You rock, dude! Ronaldo missed a few goals, y'know, like wth. but i don't blame him. HAHA. oh, heard that Chelsea is going to play Liverpool tonight, or is it the other way round? oh, well, it doesn't matter anyway. i hope Chelsea will win though. because i have to admit that they're more outstanding, compared to Liverpool. (to their fans: i'm sorry) i mean like really okay. 

okay, short post. nothing more to blog about. so, yeah. 
oh, and somehow right, Ikuta Toma somehow reminds me of Mark Lee, only cuter and more adorable, DUH. probably because they're both funny. HAHA . 
HELLO, yeah, HI. 

sorry for not uploading the pictures yesterday. so, whatever. i was too lazy. i can't stop watching Hana Kimi okay. it's damn addictive :D

and omg omg omg - 

movie date with Alyssa, Andrea, Joan, Fina and Namirah was awesome. 
and HSM3 was like AWESOME too mannzxzxzxzxzx. it's like the best among the other two HSM. it's da bomb, baybeh. it's damn sweet, but yet, damn sad in the middle-middle part. i NEARLY cried, okay. oh, and ZAC EFRON IS DAMN HOT CAN? omg, i love his blue eyes. so CUTE! oh, and yeah, Alyssa and Namirah screamed (yes, screamed, IN THE MOVIE THEATER) when Zac Efron appeared in like the beginning. omg, i so do not know them mannzxzxzxzx, at that point of time. so damn embarrassing (spl?). SHEESH. 

oh, i finished watching Hana Kimi BUT i want to watch it again, okay. it's damn sad when Mizuki had to leave okay. awwwwww, i couldn't stop crying, like wth. Nakatsu (Toma Ikuta) is like damn hilarious okay. falling asleep in class, HAHA. and OMG, I SO TOTALLY AGREE WITH DINI, omg. SHIROTA YUU IS DAMN, DAMN HOT. He plays Kagurazaka in Hana Kimi. He's like half spanish and half japanese (in real life).  HOTNESS, BAYBEH. oh, and he's the one who's singing the Japanese song on my blog. Sorry if you guys don't like it but i do.
remeniscence; memories, that will stay in my heart.

omg, it's my 100th post and last day of school, baybeh. but i don't want school to end. it's sad y'know, leaving your teachers and friends for like 2 whole months. yeah, maybe we can meet each other during the hols but it's just not the same, y'know.

omg, omg, omg. Phoebe, i hate but then love you for making me fall in love with Japanese guys. i mean i like really fell in love with Japanese guys omg. they're like so damn hot, can?

Ikuta Toma <3

Shirota Yu <3

Shun Oguri <3

haha, enough, enough. Last day of school was awesome. LJS' date(s) was/were awesome too :D
i shall update the pictures later. I WANT TO WATCH HANA KIMI <3

i'm ready to go right now,

i think i'm in love with Japanese guys, ohmgeee. they're so kawaii <3
haha, all thanks to Phoebe. i was like super bored in class just now so i resulted in watching japanese dramas on Andrea's computer (thanks,yo) and then Phoebe reccommended(spl?) Hana Kimi.
like omg, okay. i fell in love with the series. it pwnzxzxzxz okay. now i'm on the verge of starting on Episode 3. HAHA. HANA KIMI IS SO DAMN AWESOME. 

oh, i got my report book back and i hate the results in it. i hate it, i hate it, i hate it. oh, well, there's nothing i can do about it now. so, yeah.

and ohmgeeeeeeeee - 
like omg okay. congrats to Ashlynn and Fina and Alyssa for making it to India too. We are like so going to have like an AWESOME time there :D

okay, shhh. going back to watching Hana Kimi <3

All of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the answers that we'll never find, they don't mean a thing, tonight. 
Plugged in: Green Light by John Legend feat. Andre 3000
i'm ready to go right now,


life was per normal today. went to school (did Soulja Boy dance for mass dance, ohmgee. AWESOME OKAY) then went to french. oh, for french right, i have to elaborate a little. it was awesome but yet, tense, ohmgeeeee.

so, yeah, since i PRACTICALLY FAILED (yes, i am announcing to the whole wide world, i know) my french, i had to go to remedial classes. they were like beneficial okay. because the teacher was like easy to understand. really, she like went damn slow which is like the pace i am going at. HAHA. so, yeah, we combined with the Sec Two class. really, no joke. *ahem* didn't wear red anymore, so sad okay but wore black instead. it was okay laaa, since i like black :D yeah, whatever. so before going to French class, Amirah, Ashlynn and I were like damn hungry. so, we decided that there still was the pasar malam and that we could buy Ramly burger but then it turned out that there was no more pasar malam, okay. so we ate nasi ayam, at the coffee shop(?) and, Amirah right, when she was eating, her cucumber and chicken pratically flew from one side of the table to the other. HAHA. it was damn spastic okay. HAHA.

and ohmgee, i sprained my ankle (not that bad though, can still walk but with a limp. HAHA.) at school just now. AWESOME, not.

HAHA, actually, i can't. i am like in love with that song which is like called Handlebars by FloBots(?) okay, set. i shall annoy Alyssa with that song. AWESOME, NO? :D

oh, and this song is like DA BOMB. i heard it while watching one of KevJumba's videos. IT'S AWESOME, omg. LISTEN, OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU. (IT MAKES YOU WANNA DANCE!)

i can't hardly breathe,
blue is awesome. but lime green is awesome-er (:

Plugged in: Take a Bow by Leona Lewis
So take a bow, cause you've taken everything else


went to Vivo just now to eat at Swensens. Baked Rice is AWESOME okay. 
didn't get to buy jeans, sadly. like wth. and headphones too. crap. nevermind, i shall go some other time, before going to Australia (the land of kangaroos) HAHA. my cousin said that, not me. i'm not that retarded, okay. HAHA, macam paham. 
oh, i saw this actor at Vivo. i don't know his name though. i just know his face. HAHA. and i also don't know which show he acted in but he acted in Suria, for sure. 
and ohmgee, KevJumba is damn hilarious. HAHA. he's dad is like more hilarious. HAHA
watch :

that's not a joke, confusious. that's a proverb. HAHA/

All of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the answers that we'll never find, they don't mean a thing, tonight. 
i'm learning to fall,
Plugged in: Miss Independent by Ne-Yo
Cuz she walk like a boss, talk like a boss


guess what, i survived madrasah, omg. i can't believe that i survived those three freaking hours, omg. HAHA. okay, maybe i always survive the three hours so, it doesn't really make a difference. HAHA.
oh, my sister said that a few of my friends - but she didn't know who they were - came to my house for jalan raya but unfortunately, i wasn't at home since i was at madrasah. pfft.
I'm sorry that i wasn't at home and i somehow spoilt your jalan raya-ing. Maybe next time? :D
okay, that's done. 
i'm bored right now. nobody online wants to talk to me. so, yeah. i'm practically dying of boredom while my mum went out to buy the Zinger meal for me from KFC. BE JEALOUS. HAHA. macam jakun gituk. HAHA. 

All of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the answers that we'll never find, they don't mean a thing, tonight. 

at 9.43pm

my butt is hurting right now. this happens when i sit down on the floor for too long, omg. it seriously hurts but i'm too malas to stand up. HEE. 

and omg, i think Justin Gaston is WAY TOO HOT to be Miley Cyrus' property. i mean like, really. BUT i don't have a freaking idea why a 20 year old guy would like date some bimbo 15 year old. i mean why would any 20 year old waste his time dating a 15 year old. ohmgee. could somebody knock some sense into that guy? 

HAHA, okay, enough gossping. HAHA. 
my butt still hurts. 
run away with me.
candid, candid shot/

Plugged in: American Royalty by The Click Five
Next thing, she'll be president

hello, wello (:
i pon French yesterday :D AWESOME/ (my parents let okay)
but sadly, didn't get to jalan raya with Qistina all that. Sorry, guys. Maybe, next time? 

i don't want to go madrasah. i repeat, i don't want to go to madrasah. 
DAMN BORING LIKE ____. i mean, like really.
i don't see the point in going. i mean, okay, to learn about religious stuff but still. 
IT'S BORING, OMFG. gahh. 3 freaking hours some more, omg. who the hell can survive it, omg. okay, i shall stop with the omg-ing. 

i shall try to update more later okay/ 
P.S there's something wrong with my music player on my blog. so, yeah, sorry about that. 
in a way, you rock. you really do.
Plugged in: Hot N' Cold by Katy Perry
You're yes then you're no


i got a new earpiece!

hot pink, baybeh. so oh' so HOT. i mean like really. HAHA. i bought it at Hravey Norman today before music class. AWESOME. and my dad is going to buy me headphones for my iPod though i already bought a pair of earpiece. AWESOME <3

and HAHA, today was AWESOME. combined malay class with Sec 2s and told ghost stories. scary, baybeh. okay, i'm getting scared right now considering the fact that i'm going to sleep on the top deck of the double decker bed. okay, we shall never mind about what will happen to me at night today. whatever happens, i love you all. HAHA, crapcrapcrap/

and just so you know, i already miss you. and thank you for the moments.

All of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the answers that we'll never find, they don't mean a thing, tonight.
i'm not perfect -
Plugged in: The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script
So I'm not moving, i'm not moving

i'm not perfect, not like you. 

i don't have the mood to blog now but somehow i feel like blogging. 
results were crap but i improved, i guess. 1 A1 (thank you FungYin and Mr Goh), 1 B3, 2 B4 and 2 __.
awesome, no? yeah, right. 

till here, since, i don't feel like blogging now. don't ask me why i have mood changes these days. because, personally, i don't kno w.

All of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the anwers that we'll never find, they don't mean a thing, tonight.
that's just the way we roll.
HELLO (again). 

edited my blog a little bit :D nice tak, nice tak? *nods head vigorously* 
HAHA. i'm going now because i waking damn early tmr. HEEEEEE.

awesome - short post :D
i think i'm in love.
(no pictures again today D: )

Plugged in: Learning to Fall by Boys Like Girls
I'm learning to fall, i can't hardly breathe

Deeparaya concert was awesome :D it rocked okayy. you guys were like awesome :D like, really awesome. and he's still cuter. i think i'm addicted to the word awesome, AWESOME!

oh, did you hear? i failed my French exam by 7 marks? AWESOMENESS.
great, amalina. really great. i might as well withdraw. haiyo. i got an E8. HAHA. awesome
oh then, after checking marks, went to this place where a French show is being screened. it was boring and crap. i don't understand a damn thing. 
and and AM's guy class was in the same room. BUT he wasn't there. like freakingly sad okay. 
and i'm starting to think that guy (colour colour hint hint. HAHA) is quite okay. i mean, like,  really. HAHA. okay, i'm being obsessed right now. let us pretend i did not say anything about that guy. yes, that guy. ok, i shall stop repeating myself. 

All of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the answers that we'll never find, they don't mean a thing, tonight.
we rock and they roll (:
(no pictures today, yo)

Plugged in: (still) Holiday by Boys Like Girls <3

i think i love Boys Like Girls. Wait, wrong interpretation. I am obsessed over them <3
HAHA, i want their album pleaseeeeeeeeeee (really badly). *winks winks* anybody cares to give me a late birthday present? HAHA, kidding :D

ignore the random thought.

Hey Ho (:
Angklung was awesome today. idk why, but it was. HAHA. 
ohmgeee, i'm performing at NUS for Musical Evening. How AWESOME is that, baybeh? Anybody wants to watch me shake that kayu? It will be entertaining, you'll see. HEEEEE. 
It's on 22 Nov (awesome date) at NUS. Awesome, no? And we're going to wear PURPLE which is the same colour as BARNEY, THE PURPLE DINOSAUR <3 HAHA. there's a still kid in me, i guess. HAHA. 

oh, god. i'm going to get my French result tmr, like omg. i think i'm going to fail like hell (wait, hell doesn't fail. on second thought, nevermind that) and get kicked out of French class and live happily ever after with the knowledge of only one French phrase, 'Je t'aime'. WHAT? seriously, okay. Ashlynn's going to quit French tmr, likw wth. Okay, i shall follow her. HAHA. ah, what heck. I'm going to get kicked out of French, anw. 

two more freaking days - the horror. 

All of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the answers that we'll never find, they don't mean a thing, tonight. 
you got me hypnotised, so mesmerised.

Plugged in: Holiday by Boys Like Girls
No one could hold me down

hello, wello (:

i shall update more later. going raya-ing now. 

at 8.13pm


just got back from jalan raya. it was awesome mannzxzxzxzxz. i got a lot more money. HAHA. 
okay, set. more money, more things can be bought in Australia <3
haha, jyeah. i'm going to Australia this Nov/Dec. AWESOMENESS mannzxzxzxzx. 
going to Melbourne, i think. and Tasmania. ah, as long it's in Australia, then i'm okay with it :D

oh, and a gentle reminder to Angklung (mainly Sec Ones) people -


there. i hope you guys see it, okayy.

omg, he's so macho, i like <3
we'll run away together, you'll see.
(no pictures today (: )

Plugged in: Exceptional by Jojo
You're exceptional the way you are, don't need to change for nobody

hello, wello (:
watched quite a lot of movies - as in online. fine, maybe no that a lot but still. 

Here's the list - 

1. John Tucker Must Die
2. Mean Girls
3. Lovewrecked
4. Just My Luck
5. Raise your Voice
6. Hairspray

i love the first one the best, HAHA. Damn hilarious mannzxzxzxzxz. best chick flick movie i have ever watched, yo. guys wearing thongs. HAHA. 

oh, and that guy from Lovewrecked, who acted as the best friend, is HOT. haha, serious though. wanted to upload his picture but then, too malas :D so, really can't blame me. HEEE. 

someone's watching over me/
time flies. really fast.
love like oxygen/

Plugged in: Because You Live by Jesse McCartney
because you make me believe in myself when nobody else could help

hello, wello (:

I got my iPod back! 

HAHA, saya rindu awak, iPod(: HAHA. so random. 
and i completed my art homework already! like, FINALLY. screw you, art.
went to sch like which took 2 hours? to hand in my art. so very the troublesome you knw, like wth. 
screw you art (again). 
i'm playing games on MINICLIPDOTCOM. i know it's lame but yeah, i don't have anything else to do. any suggestions? :D haha. 
SHIA <3 okay, obsession.

Plugged in: Hello Beautiful by Jonas Brothers
But tonight, i'm gonna fly

i think Shia LaBeouf is really, goddamned hot. 
if you don't agree, get lost and go and die laaaa pleaseeeeeee. He is HOT and that is final, FULL STOP. -obsession, obsession- 
and he's like only 22 years old? ohmgeee, still so young lagi. i think he got gf alr right? ah, heck care horr. like i care like that.
and the way he speaks is like super CUTE. i mean, like really. SUPER CUTE <3
and i can't believe he was the guy who acted in Even Stevens. HAHA. he has like grown so mature ohmygodd. 
it's like 11++ right now and i'm still awake, right in front of my laptop. ah, who cares right. exams over already, baybeh! 
oh, i finished watching Raise Your Voice. ohmyjonas, Oliver James so hot in there. he has a BRIT accent like DANNY JONES <3>
okay, i hev to get back to Art. CRAP. only one more picture. i shall brace myself. 

my obsession differs/
Eagle Eye is is AWESOME like @#$@#&$#. haha. 

ohmgee -Shia looks so hot here(:

bloody Vanessa. 2D Zac still looks oh' so hot, of course.

enjoy these pictures okayy while i type out my post(:


ohmgee - 

i can't believe exams are over, ohmgee, but in a good way though(: haha. no more muggin for th rest of th year(: 
omg, i'm so high like !@%@!%^$%. haha, really i am. i'm getting sugar rush right now, i don't know why though. haha. 
so, yeah. Maths was like the last paper for EOYs. it was okay, i guess. i almost could not complete the paper. haha. 
then, at around 11am like that we went down to the first floor to do the vein scan for attendance or smth crap like that. so cool, okayy. haha. Ram had troubles doing it until she had to squint to punch in her numbers. HAHA. and then we were like laughing like hell. and then the TA guy was like, "Don't laugh, you making her nervous okay." HAHA. what a funny theory(:
then after that, went to Tiong Bahru to watch EAGLE EYE with (Farmer) Su, Joan, Salwa, Andrea, Victoria and Rebecca. 
IT'S LIKE DAMN DAMN DAMN @^&@^$%# AWESOME, okayy. details later on(:
oh, so then, bought the tickets and camwhoreeee and ate KFC. haha, awesomely fun okay. 
i bought Zinger and Cheese Fries :D BE JEALOUS. 
then, went up to camwhoreeeee again like crazy. ohmgee, i took pictures of/with Zac Efron like okayy! be jealous (again)! *scroll up* HAHA. 
oh, and then there was like this shooting going on. and then right, the main actor (who i don't know and is quite hot) came up to us and said, "Y'know, if you keep taking pictures with him right, he's going to come alive!" 
like what crap laaa okayy. treat us like small kids like that. SHEESH. 
so, yeah, like what i was saying - EAGLE EYE PWNZXZXZXZXZXZX like crazy. 


okay, i have to go like now. 
need to do art one. tmr must hand in(:

once in a lifetime/
caculator pie(:
Simple Plan <3

One more day to freedom. 
One more day to no more studying. 
One more day to slacking. 
One more day to PAR-TEH! (eh, macam party teh ah. haha)


Plugged in: I Can Wait Forever by Simple Plan
Another day without you with me is like a blade that cuts right through me

hello, wello(:
Lit exam was super awesome. i managed to finish within the time given and even ended 15 minutes earlier than ex[ected, yo. so proud of myself(: haha, i didn't know i could write 3 whole paragraphs in 15 minutes?
ohmyjonas - tmr's MATHS, the horror. i can't wait! - yeaah, right. 
i'm writing all the formulae? of volume and surface area like he asked to(: i'm such an awesome student HAHA. i seriously need to ace Maths, really, i do. 
and should i go to World Trade(?) to watch Eagle's Eye? i want but then i don't want. =.=
haha. i bet Andrea will hit me like hell when i tell her that i'm not going(:

you make me smile/
you're th best damn thing.


Plugged in: Not Alone by McFly
Every day just seems to be the same

hello, fellow strangers(:

could somebody kill me right now? i'm freaking bored to death. 
i have to meet Andrea later to get my Lit stuff from her(: haha. 
she better remember or else i'm going to stab her to death. ish, violent nye. haha(:


okayy, she remembered(: haha. actually, thanks to me, of course. haha. 
now i owe her and geraldine bubble tea, yo. and salwa and alyssa owes me one too. how awesome is that? :D
sent my cousin to MRT station just now and then met up with andrea to get my book(:
i hope you're okay, cuz. 

ohmygayy, i haven't done Maths EOY paper 2006. he's going to kill me. 
i guess i better do it now, so i won't get killed(:
and then i shall mug some more for Lit. 


love like oxygen/
it's strange, isn't it?

Danny, my super cute nephew(:
ohmyjonas, he has the same name as Danny Jones(:

Plugged in: Puspa by ST 12
Jangan jangan kau menolak cintaku.

hello, wello(:
i just realised something; i'm not going to school tmr because there are no papers for me to sit for. haha, i guess i forgot(: 

ohmygayy, i saw that guy. he came to my house. he's not hot laa pleaseeee. 
i mean, really. i prefer that RI sedarer guy(: haha. okayy, fine, maybe he's not that hot, but he is tall. taller than me(:

okayy, i'm freaking bored right now. really i am. i'm really tired of doing Lit and i have no mood to do maths. so, yeah. 
i'm probably slacking right now. wait, i am? oh, yeah, i am slacking. 
entertainers wanted right now. someone who can make me laugh perhaps?

aww, so sad laaaa. my aunt and uncle are going back to Hong Kong this Tues. i won't see them until next year?  and my cousin is going back to camp. how suckish is that?
ohmygayy, this year's hari raya is fun (especially when i went bowling(: ) but not as fun as last year. i don't knw why, but it somehow feels like that. 
oh oh oh, eh eh eh - 
my aunt is like damn lucky okayy. she got to see Hady Mirza in Australia because it was Singapore Day there. ohmygayy, how lucky is that? 


you make me wanna lose control / 
something called love.
with love;

Plugged in: Lovebug by Jonas Brothers
Now i am speechless, over the edge of this

hello, wello(: (i'm high, so don't ask me why i said that.)
yesterday was awesome like  #@$#@

first, tuition. my tutor gave me chocolates :D because it was (belated) Children's Day(:
although i'm not child anymore(: i haven't eaten the chocolates, yo. oh, well. i shall try them later :D
i still haven't done my tuition homework, ohmygayy. 

then, went bowling with my super duper awesome family(: (so odd right, instead of going hari raya visiting, we go bowling. haha.)
i wore my 'There's ONLY ONE Ronaldo' t-shirt and billabong hoodie. it like goes well together okayy.  
and i was the same team as my super cousin(: i was like the third to try and he was like fourth? 
no fair. and his reason was that he's lousy than the rest of us. 
hello? reality check? i suck like the most okayy. haha. really though. 
turned out that i didn't beat my cousin. like super no fair okayy. fine, i had to admit that hePWNZXZX th bowling alley okayy. he like got spares and strikes three times in a row?
oh, and yeah, i sucked. like really. i scored 36 at first and then 82, the next round. i nearly gave up laaa pleaseeee. but my cousin was like cheering me on all th way, so that gave me th semangat(:

you rock like heaven!

so, yeah. thanks, cousin, yo :D you rock my socks. 

so then, went to IMM to eat at Bagus. i ordered Chicken Chop as usual. damn nice okayy(: 
they gave soup too, mushroom soup(: haha, macam jakun gituk. 

so then went to my house to discuss smth important and also hari raya visiting(:
so cool right, 2 in 1. haha, i'm so lame, ohmygayy. 
i watched this super klakar seram movie called Zombie Kampung Pisang on RTM 1 with my cousins(: 
damn hilarious mannzxzxzx. zombie pakai tudung. what freaking crap is that? haha. 
" Zomba, zomba, zombie laaa!" haha. i love that guy who was short-tongued. very the funny(:

nothing could ever separate us/
accidentally in love.
Danny Jones <3
ohmygayy, so cute :D

Plugged in: No Worries by McFly
the light is dancing in your eyes, your sweet eyes

hello, again. 
i'm tired of doing Lit right now. sick and tired of it. 
i left one poem in school. grrrr. i shall blame it all on EOYs. because if it's not for EOYs, i wouldn't have kept my poem in sch. pfft. 
Life shall goes on. hell, yeah, it does. 

i think it's back to the McFly obsession right now. i do not know why. haha. 
ohmyjonas mcfly, Danny is like so damn cute adorable okayy. HAHA. 

Danny Jones, saranghaeyo <3

here's another picture of him. haha, yeah, i edited it too :D because i was like seriously freaking bored. 

i shall update later again if i have the time. 
going to my uncle's house later for smth i don't have a clue about. 

and i desperately want to watch Evolusi KL Drift again. i want to cry again. i want to see Syamsul Yusof
okayy, i'm officially a freak. 

till then - 
gerek laaaaa.
Cristiano Ronaldo, wo ai ni 

Plugged in: The Secret by Patrick Jumpen (it's not really a song ah.)

hello, hello. 
history sucks.i think i'm going to fail it. oh, yes - no more explainations needed.
& life sucks too. distractions, distractions, distractions. 

ohmygayy, so sad laaaaa. today i'm not going bowling. like wth. 
tmr then can go. but i want TODAY!
life goes on. can't wait for tmr :D

ohmyjonas, just now i watched Evolusi KL Drift!
gerek laaaa sehh <3
Syamsul Yusof is like so freaking hot can?
oh, Aaron Aziz also acted in it, and Shahril and Huda :D
i think, so far, it's like the best malay movie ever filmed. really. go watch it okayy!
it's about racing, baybeh :D and death. haha.
Andrea is asking me to watch Eagle's Eye with her and everybody else after maths paper on Wednesday. 
never heard of it before but she said Shia Labeouf is acting in it. like omg, SHIA LABEOUF <3
i have to mug for Lit right now. so, yeah. 

till then - 
because we love you.

Brad Kavanagh

Plugged in: Love Story by Taylor Swift

oh, hello.
today was ________. i seriously do not know how to describe today. 
i learnt how to be thankful and appreciative though. really, i did. 
i'm so sorry. we're so sorry. we didn't mean to hurt you. honest. 

okayy, enough of that.

i saw a TEN today. haha. 
ohmygayy, his glasses were like so damn hot and cool okayy.
if only you guys were there. love at first sight. LMAO.

oh gosh, tomorrow's history. damn you, SEQ - again. i hate you. i detest you. i hate you. Je n'aime pas History et SEQ!
but but, tmr going bowling. SET, BEST :D haha. 

Qistina was damn sick today. i do not why she was like with us at the study pavillion. haha. 
oh, just now she was like trying to hit me with that freaking rubberband of hers. skali, hit her face instead of mine. haha.
see, who ask to mess around with me. HAHA. 

okayy, back to mugging. because i want to ace Hist. i HAVE to ace Hist
even though SEQ sucks. 

oh, watch this video okayy. By that Brad Kavanagh (scroll up). damn nice okayy. 
J'aime his voice 

they tell you a good girl is quiet, that you should never ask why. 

till then - 