hello. i'm who i am . neither heshe nor shemale . neither beautiful boy nor handsome girl . i'm limited edition. this is my profile . my profile at here. if i want to have a long profile, you can write all of about me, like my secret. but, if i only want to have a short profile, you can only write your name.
Which seat can i take?
Tagboard at here. width and height is whatever.
so don't contact me because i won't be bringing my hanphone or other related materials.
and i promise i will be back with pretty, pretty pictures of me. HAHA.

a night to remember (L)
omg, Musical Evening was like super AWESOME. Angklung and Kulintang Ensemble totally pwnzxzxzx (L). like omg, i was like so damn nervous during the first time we entered the stage. i was like hyperventaliting. and everbody was like giving each other hugs and asked them to breathe in and out. it totally helped, i guess, haha. we so rocked the stage, omg. Okay, enough. Let the  pictures to the talking (L)



Kulintang players (!!!)

We rock like no other, baybeh.

p/s: credits to mean-ah for the pictures below. thanks, babe <3>

Aisha (!!) omg, i like this picture veh much. 

Ermy (!!)


omg, Sabrina looks like Amy Winehouse, omg. 


Arifah (!!)

Mdm Nisa (!!)

Mean-ah (!!!)

omg, Ermy looks totally different (!!!) - in a good way, of course :D

members ah, haha (!!)

p/s: credits to Aki for the (unglam) pictures below. Thanks hun <3





I shall grab some more and upload them here :D
Stay Tuned, baybeh. 


i suddenly became addicted to Korean songs (and guys) :O 



SHINee (L)(L) 

omg, Tae Min is so cute (!!!) I like his hair, HAHA :D
p/s: Ilya, i shall do the quiz once i have the time, okay? :D

90210 is awesome, baybeh. actually i wanted to watch GG but then, all the links very useless so i had to result to watching 90210. none of the guys are hot though, sadly (-.-)

i just rebonded my hair today. i couldn't believe i managed to survive a 7-hour ordeal of sitting on a chair while rebonding my hair. my butt ached like shit, omg. and i can't tie my hair at all (-.-) only after 2 weeks, then can, like wth. then, how am i supposed to tie my hair during Musical Evening ah. nevermind, i think i shall let it down (if the teachers let that is) damn  it. 

love lockdown.
okay, since i'm bored right now, i shall make some advance birthday wishes: 

(i shall upload a picture of her if i can find one)

yoz sis, you're like (nearly) 11 right now. next year PSLE. study very hard, okay. make sure you go to the same school as me so ayah can send us both together to school :D

(again, i will upload his picture if i can find one)

yoz, super cousin. you rock, okay. okay, i don't have anything to say about you, haha. yeah, anyways Happy Birthday, you're a legal adult (?) right now, haha. oh, wait, or are you already a legal adult? haha, okay, i'm confused. oh, well. 
it's over.
ride home from angklung with Ermy and Nicole was like supper funneh. i laughed like the i-don't-want-to-stop-laughing kinda laugh, haha. you know what i mean, haha. even now, i couldn't stop laughing, haha. thanks eh Ermy and Nicole, you make my day (L)(L). We should take the train home together more often :D

like i said, i had angklung today, again. i think we sounded better just now, idk why, haha. omg, 3 more days till musical evening (!!!). Can't wait, like omg. Angklung peepos, we have to like camwhoreee a lot, a lot, okay. omg, can't wait, can't wait <3

and you know what, tmr is like the PSLE results for the dear P6s. i don't know why i'm getting excited over this but i guess it's natural, haha. macam paham. it kinda reminds me the day when i receieved my results, y'know. and also kinda reminds me the time when i'm still in primary school. it's like i'm beginning to feel nostalgic once again. wow, i have such weird feelings, haha. 

and i think this Jesse McCartney's video is damn cool, omg. He has an iTouch (!!!). and the DVD player thing is so damn high-tech(?). haha. 
to be with you.
went shopping just now. at Causeway Point with mum. and sis. and bro. bought  court(?) shoes, like finally. it's a bit like pumps, but it's not pumps. you know what i mean, haha. bought skinny jeans too. it costs like 70 bucks in total or smth like that. and omg, do you know an original 'Little Miss' tee costs like 40 bucks (-.-) damn expensive, okay. my mum didn't let me buy it. she said that it isn't worth it buying a tee so expensive like that. but i want it, it's so damn nice, okay. fine, maybe i'm very the outdated but i still want it, okay. i think it's awesome. but somehow i have to agree with my mum that it isn't worth it buying a tee like that. i think i shall go to Bugis and find. 
thanks for the reccommendation Amirah <3

my mum asked me to rebond(?) my hair on Thur or smth like that. but then i want to do it on Sunday (!!!) she asked me to keep it to shoulder-length (-.-) which i absolute hate. like, seriously. but on the other hand, i'm going to have bangs (!!!). but i still don't want my hair to be shoulder-length. i think i will like look seriously spastic and weird (-.-) 

ohmygayy, i'm still missing you.  
if only i could see you just one more time.

Dik, aku pinta, kau akan selalu setia.
if i were a boy.
i changed my blog song. again, haha. nice or not? better say yes, okay. or else i shall stab you to death. ish, violent nyer, haha. oh, it's called 'Let it rock' by Kevin Rudolf (!!!) it's damn nice, okay (L). i think the singer is damn hot too (L). haha. 

and omg, y'know on the the plane to Australia/Melbourne right, my dad told me that the movies Mamma Mia and Angus, Thongs and perfect Snogging are going to be shown (!!!) like omg, okay. i'm so going to watch them. i can't help it, it's like a 6-hour(?) flight to Australia, i think. so, yeah. i can't practically survive a 6-hour flight to Australia without movies. you know what i mean. 

and omg, so not fair. many people are going to Europe this Dec hols. (okay, fine, maybe around 2-3 people whom i know that are going to Europe, i mean) like, no fair. Qis, i seriously hate you. You're like going to Paris, omg. and Adilah too. no fair. you guys are lucky asses (-.-) nevermind, when i grow up, (does it remind you of a song? haha.) i want to travel the whole wide world (well, not really the whole world. maybe, some popular places like Los Angeles and Paris). okay, set, that shall be my dream. top of the list: PARIS, baby. 

& ______, i miss you. bad. the feeling is coming back, again. damn it. 
as easy as one, two, three, four.

there's only one thing two do three words four you.

i think this song is awesome. i love the way Plain White T's played with the numbers and words, haha. creative kan? (said in Jay's way of saying) HAHA. 
p/s: credits to Amelia for introducing this song (via her blog) <3

and omg, i'm so very the over the moon, okay. i like FINALLY bought David's album (L)(L) (!!!) 
thank you eh ibu , ily (L). i got like a free poster and calendar. actually it's 2 in 1 but it's the same thing, anyways, haha. and i can't find the headphones that Ashlynn bought at Popular JE (-.-) wasted, okay. my mum was like really rela to buy them but then couldn't find, like wth. damn it like a million times. nevermind, i shall try to find it again. maybe tmr, i guess.

and omg, you know right, today, my second cousins from Australia came to Singapore. and no, they're not teenagers, yet. but omg, one of my second cousins look like Nick Jonas when he's (Nick Jonas)  young lehh. and no, i'm not exagerating(?) but he's (my second cousin) like only 5 years old? (HAHA) i think it's because of his hair. it's curly but nice, haha. 

Picture This.

omg, i like this movie (L). i think Ashley Tisdale was awesome in it, omg. and the guy, had so nice eyes (L). he looks like Jesse McCartney in some angles, haha. but it's a nice movie, i would say. how come i had never seen its poster in the cinemas ah? like wth, or else i could have caught it during the September holidays or smth. 
Credits to Amirah for introducing the movie (via her blog) <3

i think i shall watch Another Cinderella Story next. i think the guy is hot, too, omg. His name is Drew Seely or smth like that.

i still want David's album -.-

at 6pm


okay, this movie is like totally awesome. Drew Seely is hot, omg. and man, Selena can really dance, haha. and so can Drew (L). haha. 
a little too not over you,
To Nur Qistina Aliffi


there, i said it. i hope you're happy, Qis. Haha, come to think of it right, Atiqah gave me that nick at first. but nevermind, i shall credit you anyways :D

and you know what, i found out something damn cool, omg. You know the set of By My Side was like filmed in my neighbourhood, like omg. i could like have met that hot guy, yes, that hot guy (L)

the sweetest present,
David Archuleta Pictures, Images and Photos David Archuleta Icon. Pictures, Images and Photos
You Can by David Archuleta:

Tell me I'm not on my own
Tell me I won't be alone
Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake
Cause if anyone can make me fall in love,
You can. 

I think the lyrics are damn sweet. I mean, really. Omg, if David Archuleta actually sing it to me, i will practically melt right there, omg. (CHEYYY) fat hope laaa, amalina. whatever okay, there's a slight chance that he might be coming to Singpore and there's a possibility that i might be the LUCKY one to get to meet him, omg. okay, i'm daydreaming too much, haha. omg, i think it's back to the Daivd Archuleta fever again -.-

at 5.15pm

you can,

okay, i think this movie is kinda sad but i don't quite get it? yeah. i think Keith died in the end or something.  yeah, i bet he did. oh, i love the part when he said, "This is strictly a lab partnership." 
HAHA, it's damn hilarious. Who knew that Jesse McCartney could act so well. he was like so cute, okay. Oh, and the movie was like produced in 2005 and was released in 2008. i was like, wth. might as well released in 2005 too, right. oh, and Qis, I SAW THE TIC-TAC PART (L)(L)(L) i have to buy the same tic-tac as Keith/Jesse (!!!)

oh, and - 


damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it. like wth, okay. i will be in Australia by then -.-
damn it like a million times. it's like when i don't want to go, i can go. but then, when i really want to go, i can't go. get what i mean? life is seriously unfair. damn it. 

oh, and you can't seriously trust adults mannzxzxzxz. i mean like my mum didn't even get me the album. i was like swearing, okay. i REALLY wanted it. nevermind, i think i shall go and buy it today at Jurong Point. omg, i love the song Barriers. It's damn nice <3

YES. finally, i managed to finish the Hana Yori Dango movie. and i thought that i would never ever get to watch it (with subtittles). i really, really liked the wedding part. it's damn grand, i swear. omg, Hanazawa Rui is damn hot <3

my mum is going to buy David's album for me (L)(L)(L) (!!!) but she said no promises. like wth. -.-
still, ther's a 99.99% chance that she's going to buy it for me. HAH. (insert stick-out-tongue face) i know you're jealous, haha. 


oh, i'm currently watching this Chinese/Singaporean movie called By My Side. It's damn sad, okay. oh, the little girl (named TianTian?) seriously looks like my cousin, omg. everytime i see her face, i will be like laughing like mad. haha. as in she reminds me of how she looks so alike like my cousin. so, yeah, no offence. and i think that guy is hot. that guy, yes, that guy. so hot, right? HAHA. (sorry, i don't have his picture, haha) so, yeah. it airs on Channel 8 at 9pm, every day. haha, i'm like some kind of advertisement like that, haha. 

and omg, look at this -


awesome, no? haha. 
p/s: credits to Ermy for introducing the website to me (via her blog) :D

oh, i just read somewhere that twilight won't be NC16, i guess. i think it's G or PG. so, yeah. BUT I'M STILL NOT SURE ABOUT IT.

Sky of Love.

omg, i love, i love, i love Koizora. It's the best movie ever, i swear. i cried like shit when i watched it, okay. i think my eyes are going to be swollen like Amirah's by the time i watch the movie again -.-
HAHA, but it's damn nice, okay. watch it, like now. on mysoju.com. it's like the best, BEST ever japanese movie ever created, to me. i think it's awesome, damn awesome.i still prefer Hiro with silver/white? hair. it so suit him, okay. he's quite hot, actually. and Qistina ah, spoiler ah she -.-
okay, i shall not tell you anything about it because that will make me a spoiler too, just like Qis, haha.

koizora Pictures, Images and Photos
Then everytime i look at the sky, I'll think of Hiro.
nama aku ama, baybeh :D
Rafael is awesome.
though Man Utd still lost to Arsenal last Sat. at least it was an effort, okay. anyways, i still think Man Utd is like the best. and that there are still more chances for them to win the Premier League tittle, again :D HAH. 

DAVID'S ALBUM IS OUT TMR. omg, omg, omg, omg. anybody wants to buy it for me? HAHA, kidding. i want to buy it, i want to buy it like omg. i think it will be like awesome.

update more later. Hana Yori Dango final is uploaded and i'm watching it now <3
HAHA, so yeah. then i will watch Sky of Love <3


at 7.56pm

IT COMES OUT ON 18th NOVEMBER. I WANT, I WANT, I WANT. (sorry, i don't have the picture of the book. I CAN'T FIND IT, like wtf) okay, nevermind, i shall beg my parents to buy it for me in Australia. HEEE :D

and omg, i so pro, okay. i'm watching two japanese drama/movie at the same time, okay. Awesome, no? haha, i know i am. HAHA, ego. i think Sky of Love is damn nice even though the guy isn't that hot as Domyoji and Hanazawa Rui. IT'S DAMN SWEET, OKAY. 
it's just amazing,
(credits to wikipedia)

DAVID ARCHULETA'S ALBUM (L) IS COMING OUT IN LIKE 4? DAYS. but wait, idk if that applies to singapore. oh, well, it still doesn't make any difference anyway. i'm so going to buy it okay. i'm like one of David's first fans? HAHA. kidding. but still, i loved him when he first appeared during the auditions, okay. i was like, "Yes, that guy is going to be the next American Idol. Full Stop." But it didn't turn out that way, did it? Damn. but whatever, David's going to release an album anyway. AND IT'S IN FOURRRRRRRR DAYS! i bet izzati is going to buy it too, haha. 

i'm still waiting. 

ah, heck. i'm tired of waiting. i shall watch it tomorrow. 
love is a force you can't control

i think Keith is a nice name. it really is, okay. i think it's going to be one of my favourite English names in the whole wide world. you know what, i think it might. HEE. the Part 4 of Keith won't load, damn you YouTube. crapcrapcrap. so much for finishing the whole movie today. oh, and no, i am not going to skip to Part 5 because i am no spoiler. i shall wait like a goodie little two shoes?  for it to load till only God knows when. okay, i shall wait. 

Aki made me listen to this damn scary but nice song. okay, maybe i wasn't THAT scared when i listened to it in school just now. but it's damn scary when i was like listening to it at right just now, okay. no kidding. but then the chorus is damn nice. oh, it's called Dead Girl Epilogue by I Am Ghost, if i'm not wrong. yeah, go listen to it. i bet it's going to scare you to death. oh, close your eyes when listening to that song, okay. it's more feeling? haha. aki made me do that too. haha, i looked like some person doing some yoga with headphones on, haha. oh, angklung was AWESOME. i though it was cool to play all 6 songs continously without stopping and without chairs and stands and scores and all that. let's do it again! oh, can't wait for Monday. going to Esplanade, baybeh, to see hot ang moh guys, haha. haha, no lahh, it's for money? purposes? haha, macam paham. 

i'm still waiting. 
bang, you're dead, baby.
I know what i'm going to say is not going to concern me in any whatsoever way but heck, i'm going to say it anyway, whether you like it or not. HAH.
there, i said it, haha. i am not racist, by the way. why do you care anyway. i am who i am. no one can judge me, because i am me, HAH. Jealous? haha, kidding. 

sorry for not posting yesterday. was watching Camp Rock like finally, in high definition, okay. it's depressing that my dad didn't want to subscribe to cable vision anymore, and i think living a life like that sucks. you can't watch MTV or even the football channel, like wth. i can't watch Ronaldo in action. Great mannzxzxzxzxzx. so, yeah. sorry about that. I shall start with Wednesday :D

Angklung practice, as usual. This whole week got angklung y'know. Gosh, damn tiring, i tell you. But it's fun though. Got to wake up at around 9am? because Angklung started at 1. Be jealous, haha. Decided to leave earlier that usual because i was dying of boredom at home. can die one, okay. The bus to Bukit Batok arrived exactly 2 minutes before the primary school kids were released. or else, chaos okay. Then, arrived at school seconds? before rain started to pour like really bad. haha. Pon-ed french - simply because i love Angklung more, can't you tell? Haha, yeah. I'm a dedicated member of Angklung, okay. Oh, gosh. Mamma Mia is still stuck in my head. But nevermind, i guess it's healthy? Haha, macam paham. Oh, and never EVER skip breakfast and lunch altogether. It makes you go wild like #@$%. I ate 3 bowls of porridge, because of that, like wth, i know, haha. 

Angklung practice, again. But then it's at 10. Left house early, again. Bored, yes i was. it was raining damn heavily at Redhill. i was like swearing, okay. no choice but to take my umbrella out. it wasn't that unglam. because my umbrella damn nice one, okay. it's from Esprit, and it's black and red. *smiles gleefully* I know you're jealous, okay. HAHA, kidding. then played and practiced for like 2 and a half hours. then, watched angklung videos form 1230 onwards. it was damn funny, haha. had a mass karaoke session of Cindai, haha. hilarious. and many, many more. yeah, that was it. and i wore my Converse sneakers today. it can fit, like finally. haha. oh, they give me a better sense of balance, okay. on the MRT i mean. haha. but that doesn't stop me from craving for a new pair of Converse sneakers. I WANT A RED HOT PAIR ONE. i think it's damn cool, okay. haha. 

first of all - 


like finally, you're thirteen, just like the rest of us. so proud of you. HAHA. i will give you your birthday present, like i promised? as soon as i buy one. maybe next week, or next two weeks. how about next month? HAHA, joking. i will get it for you. soon. haha. 

Angklung was awesome? haha. at least didn't need to wake up at 6.30am, okay. woke up at 7.30am instead. haha. 1 hour difference only, mah. what's even the point, haha. i'm starting to like the song Mamma Mia, okay. it's damn (times gazillion?) nice. HAHA. once you hear it, the song will like be repeating in your head, like forever. and you will start singing it. LOL. & yes, that was what happened to me, like yesterday and Sunday(?). haha. 
Mamma Mia, here we go again. My, my, how can i resist you.

and you know what. i can't seem to think Jun Matsumoto as a good, not-stuck-up guy ever since i watched Hana Yori Dango. like, really, okay. No matter how hard i try, i still can't imagine as a like super nice guy. like wth, i know. does anybody know a super, super GOOD Japanese drama/movie where Jun acts as a SUPER, SUPER hot and good guy? haha, maybe i can change my point of view of him then. haha. but whatever, i still love him anws :D
i absolutely think that Arashi's video for Love so Sweet is damn hilarious. haha. and i also think Jun looks simply hot in it. 

oh, just got news from Haris that the Twilight movie is like NC16. =.=
ABSOLUTE CRAP? i know. damn you. so much for waiting for it to be released in cinemas. nevermind, i shall think of a backup plan. MUAHAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh)

and i support Obama. even though i'm not an american and legal enough to vote, i just want to say that Obama is like the best candidate to win the Presedential Elections because i think Obama ROCKS. JIAYOUS OBAMA! (i doubt he understands that though) HAHA. that's all i have to say. haha. 
Mamma Mia, baybeh.
omg - 
CONGRATS to Cik Hamil Lewis Hamilton for winning the Championship. I'm so proud of you, Lewis, omg. You rock laaah, okay. It was so close - Lewis finishing at 5th place. Wooh, Lewis, you rock and you made a record by being the youngest to win the F1 Championship. Lewis Hamilton, all the way, baybeh :D

& i want to go to Japan. Band people, i hate you for going there without me, like wth. It's like winter day, okay. It's damn cold, i bet. Maybe, next time, yeah? I'm going to Australia, anw. So, yeah. There's no point complaining about wanting to go to Japan but going to Japan will like be surely on my wanted list. HEE.

Angklung is a killer. Like omg, okay. I had to wake up at 6.30am just to go for angklung which like starts at 8am. and it's the holidays some more. C'mon, give us a break. Why must start so damn early ah? Around 10, can already, okay. And my hand was like hurting like hell from playing the angklung, especially in Kuda Hitam. GOT DAMN DAMN LOT OF 'E's. Tak boleh tahan, okay.

i think Hana Yori Dano is like the best show ever. Next to Hana Kimi, of course. I think both shows rock like hell, okay. I can't wait for the Hana Yori Dango the movie to be uploaded. I'm sure i will be like one of  the first people to watch it. HAHA. Macam betul jek. haha. 
I think Pasha Ungu is hot. It's very depressing that i didn't get to see Ungu live in concert last Friday. Crap, i know. I just realised that they were in Singapore when i watched the news. I didn't expect Pasha to be so hot, okay. He's damn friendly too, omg. HAHA. 

I can't find the english homework anywhere in MLG. Is there even an english homework? Ah, crap. Can anyone tell me where it is? And i will love you to bits :D

Omg, i just realised that my posts are getting shorter and shorter everyday. But don't blame me, okay. Blame Hana Yori Dango. HAHA. Tsukasa is damn HOTT. okay, i'm over obsessed, i know, don't need to remind me. HAHA. 

OH - 
AND CONGRATS (ONCE AGAIN) TO MAN UTD FOR WINNING AGAINST HULL CITY YESTERDAY. 4-3 is an amazing job, okay. and jyeah, Ronaldo was awesome as ever, scoring 2 goals. I LOVE YOU RONALDO. BUT I LOVE MANCHESTER UNITED MORE, baybeh <3
it's the last time to make it right,
like the sun,

Moshi, moshi!

Oh, first. 
Congrats to Man Utd for winning the game the past Wed(?). yeah. all thanks to Ronaldo, okay. haha, and jiayous for today's match against Hull City. Man Utd, all the way, baybeh.

Yesterday went to West Coast for class outing, damn fun, okay. Damn you Alyssa for not making it (again), like wth. i'm going to kill you when you get back. omg, i think the guy from Yuhua Pri (yes, i do realise that it's a pri. sch) is hot, okay. like whatever, he may be P6(?), but i still think he's hot, okay. and omg, i want the song Flavor of Life! Anybody has it? If you do, i shall love you like till the end of time, okay. 

yeah, whatever. short post today (again). pictures - later. wait, i upload it soon. 
oh, and - 
Happy Belated Halloween :D
