hello. i'm who i am . neither heshe nor shemale . neither beautiful boy nor handsome girl . i'm limited edition. this is my profile . my profile at here. if i want to have a long profile, you can write all of about me, like my secret. but, if i only want to have a short profile, you can only write your name.
Which seat can i take?
Tagboard at here. width and height is whatever.
Hiatus, Hiatus, Hiatus.

Amalina will be on hiatus till godknowswhen. No la, till MYEs are over.
Don't miss me too much because I know you will! 

& All the best for those who are sitting for MYEs (:
I can't help but to smile all day,

Dian Nadhirah 
I love this picture. Because it's cool like that (no, I'm not referring to you, Ermy. HAHA.)

I feel like I'm wasting paper today. Because I kept printing the exam papers on the wrong side. Tsk, Amalina. Heck, it's for my own good anyways :D

The day started off like awesomely, i swear. Since I'm like a super awesome friend, I went to school with Ermy. I swear I brought luck lor. Haha, Ermy, you know it's true (: 

Y'know what, I don't feel like blogging anymore ): Haha, bye. 
Never knew you were like that,
:D I dont't feel like going on hiatus anymore. But I will go on soon, again. But first, I need to revive my tagboard lor. It's like, dead. 

Friday, 24 April 2009. 






Credits to: Amirah and Mr. Very :D

Angklung workshoppp ~ (With Amirah, Ermy, Qistina and Yu Ru)
It was da bomb, i swear. We were 30 min late, heck. Glad Mdm Nisa and Mr Very were there or else we'll feel so lonely and left out. Pak Obby was damn funny, haha. And and all 5 of us were damn enthu gitu lor. We swayed and smiled like nobody's buisness when shaking the angklung. But 4 hours was not freaking enough ): I wanted to play the second song because it was my first time playing a C bass/base (?). HAHA, how frigging cool is that! And and there's like a 4-tube angklung for accompaniment (?). OHMYGOSH, BLOODY COOL. 

"Number 17 ah!" *wriggles eyebrows*
"Fly me to the mooon!" HAHA, HILARIOUS SHITZ.

I love angklung uh. (L)